Key Result Highlights
- 200K+ questions ingested via custom bulk upload functionality.
- Custom 3PL based Adaptive Engine Framework.
The Client
The client is a renowned media group that’s making its foray into learning.
The Challenge
The client was looking to develop an assessment-based learning approach
for competitive exams targeting students who aspire to do well in competitive exams.
Critical Success Factors
- To deliver a robust platform that administers assessments based on the
learners capability. - The product should help learners understand the concepts at hand
based on the outcome of assessments that they had already
Our Approach
- The client considered Magic to be their extended tech team which allowed allowed our engineers to get a better vision of the product they were building.
- We advised the client to build a custom solution over MagicBox offering assessment authoring, product management, and custom learning experiences based on the 3PL Adaptive framework.
- Magic customized the integration with an adaptive engine that returns the questions of the item bank based on the results and responses of previously attempted questions.
- Added features like product management, bulk upload for question ingestion, and assessment authoring.
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